Çince (Taiwan)

This is an e- notification to inform you that your order .00000000000000 has been shipped by the seller on 0000.00.00 00:00. You are advised to contact the seller for shipment information.

The Purchase Protection of order .00000000000000 will end on 0000.00.00 00:00.

0. If you are satisfied with the items you have received, then you can click 'Confirm Order Received'.
0. If you have not received your items, or you are not satisfied with your items, you can click ’Open Dispute.’ before Purchase Protection deadline or Purchase will be automatically finalized.
0. If you would like to extend your Purchase Protection you can contact the seller directly or click 'Request to extend Purchase Protection' to ask for the seller's approval.

Please note if there is no action taken within Purchase Protection, your order will be automatically finalized with payment released.

0000.00.00 00:00


This is an e- notification to inform you that your order .00000000000000 has been shipped by the seller on 0000.00.00 00:00. You are advised to contact the seller for shipment information.

The Purchase Protection of order .00000000000000 will end on 0000.00.00 00:00.

0. If you are satisfied with the items you have received, then you can click 'Confirm Order Received'.
0. If you have not received your items, or you are not satisfied with your items, you can click ’Open Dispute.’ before Purchase Protection deadline or Purchase will be automatically finalized.
0. If you would like to extend your Purchase Protection you can contact the seller directly or click 'Request to extend Purchase Protection' to ask for the seller's approval.

YOK not var İSE Eylem Alım Koruma İÇİNDE alınan Lütfen sizin otomatik ödeme çıkacak tarafından Siparişi ile kesinleşmiş.

0000/00/00 00:00

(5000 karakter kaldı)
Çince (Taiwan)

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